South Atlantic Credit Union

Online Loan Application

Getting ready to make a large purchase? Get pre-approved so you can negotiate as a "Cash" buyer. Just complete the below application and submit it. Once received, your Credit Union loan officer will process your application and grant you pre-approval, subject to verification of information.

In order to process your loan request you need to either fax or email us your most recent paystub, fax # (561)-394-3307 email

For your security, we use SSL encryption. If you prefer, you can print out this application, complete it and fax it to the above number. You should see a secure symbol on your browser, if not, apply via the secure server.

This loan application is only for existing members or eligible members of South Atlantic FCU. If you are interested in becoming a member, visit our website for more information...


Credit Type

Credit Type 

If joint, fill out Co-Applicant section also


(i.e. pager, cellular)


Credit Type

Other Income* $
* Income from alimony, child support or separate maintenance payment need not be revealed if you do not choose to disclose it as income.


Co-Applicant (Fill out only if Joint Credit)

Account #
Address 1
Address 2
City   State    Zip 
Home Number -
Work Number -
Other Number - (i.e. pager, cellular)
Social Security #
Date of Birth

How Long at this Residence?   Years  Months

Credit Type
Monthly Payment $

Employer Name
Employer Address
Employer City/State   State
Length of Employment Years  Months
Gross Income $
Other Income* $
* Income from alimony, child support or separate maintenance payment need not be revealed if you do not choose to disclose it as income.


By clicking on the Submit button below, I/we certify that the information herein is true and complete. I/we agree that inquiries may be made to verify information and that credit references or verification may be given based on inquiries from other parties. This offer is subject to the credit policies of the credit union. I/We understand that you shall retain this application whether or not it is approved.


Your Savings Federally Insured by NCUA
Federally Insured by NCUA

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